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eMoney Advisor, LLC – Data Security You Can Trust

eMoney Advisor understands that the confidentiality, integrity and availability of our customers’ information is vital to their business operations and our own success. To protect that key information, we use a multi-layered approach and constantly monitor and improve our application, systems and processes to quickly address potential security demands and challenges.

Secure Connections

Secure data transmission and sessions

  • Connection to the eMoney Advisor environment via the latest TLS
  • Individual user sessions identified and re-verified with each transaction, using a unique token created at login

Network protection

  • Perimeter firewalls and edge routers block unused protocols
  • Internal firewalls segregate traffic between the application and database tiers
  • Intrusion detection sensors throughout the internal network report events to a security event management system for logging, alerts and reports
  • A third-party service provider scans the network externally and alerts us of changes in baseline configuration

Reliable disaster recovery and data backup protocols

  • Real-time data replication between geographically dispersed regions
  • Data transmitted across encrypted links
  • Annual disaster recovery tests verify our projected recovery times and the integrity of the customer data

Network connection reliability

  • Redundant internal networks
  • Network neutral, connecting to all major carriers and located near major Internet hubs
  • High bandwidth capacity

Internal and Third-party Testing and Assessment

In addition, eMoney Advisor regularly tests and monitors all systems, data and personnel for potential security risks:

Strict internal monitoring

  • Information Security department tests all code for security vulnerabilities before release and continually monitors notifications and alerts from internal systems to identify and manage threats

Personnel you can trust

  • Comprehensive background checks conducted on all employees as a condition of employment

Annual third-party assessments

  • SOC 2 audit to ensure our company and datacenters are compliant
  • Application vulnerability threat assessments
  • Network vulnerability threat assessments
  • Selected penetration testing and code review
  • Security control framework review and testing

Combined, eMoney’s internal and external data and systems security protocols offer protection you and your clients can trust.

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